New York City Stop Sign Ticket Attorneys
What Is a Stop Sign Violation?
In New York a stop sign violation, a cousin of the red light ticket, carries three points. The law requires drivers to come to a “full and complete” stop; just slowing down is not enough.
If you have been ticketed for a stop sign violation in NY, rely on Stites Law to help you fight your charges. Our New York City stop sign ticket lawyers have an in-depth knowledge of the laws pertaining to these types of cases and a proven ability to achieve case dismissals.
Ticketed for a stop sign violation in New York? To learn more about the options for getting your ticket thrown out, contact our experienced traffic lawyers at (212) 729-0472 today.
What Are the Fines for a Stop Sign Ticket in NY?
Disobeying or running a stop sign for the first time is punishable by a maximum fine of $150 (not including surcharges and other fees). A second offense within 18 months carries a fine of up to $300, while a third offense in the same period can result in a fine not exceeding $450.
What Happens If I Ignore a Stop Sign Ticket in New York?
If you were cited for traveling through a stop sign and given a ticket, you are probably wondering what you should do next. First of all, what you do not want to do is ignore it. The problem will not go away by itself. In fact, it will only continue to get worse.
Consequences for ignoring a ticket often include:
- Increased fines and fees
- Driver’s license suspension
- Higher insurance premiums
To avoid these harsh penalties, the obvious option for most people is simply to pay their ticket. However, this is rarely the best option, as it not only means money out of your pocket but also points on your license.
How Many Points Is a Stop Sign Ticket in NY?
In New York, running a stop sign can result in a ticket carrying three points on your license. Too many points on your record can lead to even more fines and possible license revocation.
If you find this option unsatisfactory, the good news is there is a better way—you can fight your ticket. At Stites Law, our New York City stop sign ticket attorneys can help you find a way to defend against your charges so that you do not have to face the penalties. We have helped over 125,000 drivers manage their traffic tickets and obtained “not guilty” verdicts in 90% of our cases.
If you've been Ticketed for a stop sign violation in New York? Call our skilled legal team today at (212) 729-0472 to begin with a free case evaluation.

Let Us Handle It
Fighting Your Ticket Is Easy-
Free Consultation
We'll review your case with you and let you know what we think we can achieve. There's no risk or obligation.
Build Your Case
We'll begin fighting your ticket and appearing in court on your behalf so you can go about your life.
Avoid Penalties
We have a high success rate achieving "not guilty" verdicts. Let us help you preserve your driving record.

Client Success Stories
More Than 125,000 Drivers Helped-
“Best choice I ever made!”
- Dale -
“Steven Stites is the best lawyer I have had.”
- Chris -
“Delivered a result where there was no points or fines!”
- Former Client