What is the Driver Responsibility Assessment Fee?

If you accrue at least six (6) points on your driving record within 18 months or you are convicted of a specific traffic offense, the New York State DMV will issue a “driver responsibility assessment fee” that is designed to punish “bad drivers” in order to deter poor driving behavior before it becomes habitual. This fee is paid to the DMV over a three-year period. 

As of November 18, 2004, you must pay a driver responsibility fee if: 

  • You received six or more points on your driving record within an 18-month period for traffic convictions in New York, Quebec, or Ontario 

  • You were convicted of a drunk or drugged driving offense while operating a vehicle, boat, or snowmobile in New York 

  • You refused to take a chemical test in New York 

If you accrue six points within 18 months, the annual assessment fee is a minimum $100 or a total of $300. If you accrue more than six months within an 18-month period, the annual assessment fee for each additional point to the original six points is $25 or a maximum $75 total after three years. 

If you are convicted of a DWI or you refused to take a chemical test, the annual assessment fee is a minimum $250 or $750 total after three years. 

If you are required to pay a driver responsibility assessment fee, the DMV will send you a statement with your owed amount. You can either pay the minimum amount by the payment date or pay the full assessment, or else your driving privileges will be suspended. 

If you have committed a traffic violation in New York City, contact Stites Law today for a free initial consultation. Let our legal team fight your ticket and appear in court on our behalf! 
